Acercamiento a personas defensoras en los territorios
Madagascar : Mobilisation de la Société Civile pour l’EPU
Uganda: ICCPR implementation through collaborative efforts
Empoderando a Mujeres Líderes Indígenas
Myanmar at HRC 57
Surinamese civil society attend the Human Rights Committee
ICCPR implementation through collaborative efforts
Visita de seguimiento a Perú
The UN Human Rights Committee - A Year In Review 2023
CCPR Centre Annual Report 2023
Myanmar at HRC 55
Myanmar at HRC 56
Is there a NHRI in Suriname?
La sociedad civil chilena en el Comité de Derechos Humanos
Honduras: trabajo de coalición
Cuba se enfrenta a su cuarto EPU
Shining light on Human Rights Defenders in Exile
ICCPR Article 14 Factsheets: Right to equality before courts
ICCPR Article 14: Factsheets
Herramientas implementación recomendaciones Centroamérica
Honduras: oportunidades ante el Sistema Universal
Guatemala: Taller con sociedad civil
Togo: Suivi des recommandations du Comité DH
Namibia: Strengthening the role of civil society to the UN
Upcoming 2024 State reviews of the Human Rights Committee
Upcoming 140th Session of Human Rights Committee
RDC: Consultations des OSC de l'est pour l'EPU 2024
lCCPR Follow-up World Maps
What are countries saying about Myanmar at UN HRC?
Myanmar at HRC 54
Sociedad civil de Venezuela en el Comité de Derechos Humanos
The UN Human Rights Committee - A Year In Review 2022
Myanmar at HRC53
CCPR Centre Annual Report 2022
RDC: Indicateurs de monitoring pour le follow-up
Burundi: Cartographie des violations des Droits de l'Homme
Myanmar at HRC52: main highlights
Overview of the 137th Session of the Human Rights Committee
What are countries saying about Myanmar at the HRC
The UN Human Rights Committee - A Year In Review 2021
Worksheets on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB)
Myanmar: concrete actions needed, says Minister Aung Myo Min
4 réunions régionales à Madagascar
Amener l’ONU à l’échelle locale: réunions régionales en RDC
Zambia: working with CSOs ahead of HR Committee review
HR Committee: CSOs Consultation for the Sri Lanka review
HRC 51: Myanmar high on the agenda, but still no actions
Protection of the Freedom of Belief - new tool
Mauritania: Mission de suivi des recommendations du Comité
Myanmar at the 50th Session of the HR Council
UN Treaty Bodies - A Year In Review 2019
Suivi du PIDCP en Ouganda: rapport des ONG
Guatemala: retrocesos en la protección de Derechos Humanos
Honduras: oportunidades en la protección de Derechos Humanos
EPU Burundi: le Centre accompagne la société civile
Madagascar: bilan du suivi des recommandations du Comité
Election of 9 members of the HR Committee
Cuba: OSC presentan informe de tortura a la ONU
Myanmar: urgent call for stop of unlawful acts
Kenya: Implementation of ICCPR recommendations
49 Session of the HR Council: Stronger actions for Myanmar
Myanmar discussed at HRC's 48 Session
CCPR Centre’s Annual Report 2021
UN Treaty Bodies - A Year in Review 2020
Misión de seguimiento del CCPR-Centre a El Salvador
Niger: Nouvelle rencontre avec les Parlementaires
Mauritanie: suivi des recommandations du Comité
Sierra Leone: A first-ever UN Treaty Bodies Focused Review
Kenya: Follow-up mission on the 4th Periodic Report
Venezuela is still not fixed
Human rights situation in Venezuela
Acciones de incidencia para el EPU de Venezuela
Capacitación de funcionarios en Ecuador
Capacitación periodistas en Nicaragua
Actividades en la 48 Sesión del Consejo de Derechos Humanos
Taller para ONGs de Bolivia sobre el Comité
CCPR Centre presented COVID Monitoring Guidelines
Mecanismo Internacional de Investigación para Nicaragua
Kenya: implementation matrix for the 4th cycle review
Tajikistan’s UPR - Briefing for diplomatic missions
Consultations avec les parlementaires de la RD Congo
Human Rights Council: call for an urgent action on Myanmar
CCPR Centre Annual Report 2020
Impact of corruption on human rights in Moldova
Round table in Eswatini after follow-up evaluation
Table ronde virtuelle sur le Passif Humanitaire
Troisième cycle de l’EPU du Togo
RDC: un MNP au sein de la CNDH?
Q&A on GC37 on the right of peaceful assembly
Sénégal: Plan d'action pour le suivi des recommendations
Christof Heyns: saying goodbye to a great man
Myanmar: urgent call to restore democracy
Monitor ICCPR violations in the context of COVID-19 pandemic
How do Treaty Bodies address corruption? An update
Les Parlementaires du Niger impliqués dans le suivi du PIDCP
Mauritania's civil society takes part in the UPR pre-session
Kyrgyzstan: NGO Briefing with HR Committee members on LOI
Curso: uso de mecanismos de DDHH de la ONU
Derechos Civiles y Políticos en el contexto de COVID-19
Thailand: translation of HR Committee's GC 37 into Thai
The Centre sets out its priorities for the UNGASS
A series of webinars to prepare Kenya’s fourth review
Tracking tool – Impact of Covid-19 on human rights
Curso virtual sobre uso del sistema universal de DDHH
Viet Nam: Recommended Actions from UN HR Mechanisms
UNTB Strengthening process - call
Web tool to track recommendations issued by UN HR Mechanisms
Myanmar: Strategic Plan 2021-2023
PIDCP au Sénégal : Rôle clé des ONG
How to return stolen assets: The Swiss policy pathway
Myanmar: Protecting Civil and Political Rights through ESCR
Myanmar: civil society workshop on ICCPR ratification
Tunisia prepares for the Human Rights Committee review
Call for comments on Right to Peaceful Assembly
Time to assess the ICCPR implementation in Kazakhstan
Thailand: 2nd follow-up visit with HR Committee member
Myanmar: Visual Guide on NMRF
Les ONG du Togo se préparent pour l'examen
Formation régionale sur corruption et droits de l’homme
Launch of the Practitioners’ Guide at the COSP in Abu Dhabi
Thailand: CS roundtable on freedom of peaceful assembly
Human rights activists from Madagascar for pre-session EPU
Madagascar prévu à l'EPU en novembre 2019
NGOs from Kazakhstan in Geneva for the upcoming UPR
Towards the 30th anniversary of the OP2-ICCPR
Practitioners' guide on corruption and human rights
Experta del Comité de Derechos Humanos visita El Salvador
OSCs de Costa Rica y Nicaragua presentarán informes a ONU
Simple Guide on ICCPR
Towards ICCPR ratification and implementation by Myanmar (2)
CSOs of Eswatini participate at the Human Rights Council
NGOs meet to discuss strengthening of UN TBs
Consultation en Mauritanie avant prochain examen PIDCP
Consultation on cases regarding corruption
Visita de seguimiento del CCPR a Honduras
Entretien avec M. Koita au sujet des représailles
Towards ICCPR ratification and implementation by Myanmar
National dialogue on ICCPR issues in Belarus
ONG de RDC présentent ses préoccupations la veille de l'EPU
UN budget shortfalls affecting UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies
The Human Rights Dimension in the Fight Against Corruption
Experts to adopt Guide outline on Corruption and Human Right
ICCPR Follow-up mission in Lebanon
Visita del CCPR a Guatemala
Kazakh civil society prepares for upcoming UPR
Tajikistan’s NGOs prepare to engage with HR Committee
General Discussion on the Right of Peaceful Assembly
Visita del CCPR a Ecuador
Joint consultation on UN recommendations in Jamaica
ICCPR implementation in an absolute monarchy
Thailand: tool for follow-up and holistic utilisation
Follow Up Mission in Ghana
Preparing for the 3rd review of Viet Nam after 17 years
Bangladesh: initial review follow-up
UN Treaty Bodies Litigators' Meeting 2018
Thailand: CS follow-up
Nicaragua: Reporting to the UNTBs
Suivi des recommandations du Comité (Madagascar)
NGO participation at the Committee's session (Oct-Nov 2018)
Overview of the 123rd session (July 2018)
Annual Report 2017-18
HR Committee member elections 2018
Plaidoyer et de renforcement des capacités au Burkina Faso
NGO participation at the Committee's session (July 2018)
Overview of the 122nd session
El CCPR-Centre concluyó su misión de apoyo al seguimiento en
Visita del CCPR-Centre a Ecuador
Table ronde à Lomé
Le Centre mobilise les médias du Togo
First review of Liberia in March 2018
International Conference on Human Rights and Corruption
NGOs from Lebanon ready to participate to the Committee
Steps towards ICCPR ratification by Myanmar (Part 4)
Overview of the 121st session (Oct-Nov 2017)
NGO participation at the Committee session (March 2018)
NGO participation at the Committee session (October 2017)
Mise en ouvre du PIDCP au Cameroun
Implementation of HRCtte's recommendations in Ghana
Annual Report 2016-2017
Overview of the 120 session - July 2017
Table ronde au Burkina Faso sur la mise en oeuvre du PIDCP
Steps towards ICCPR ratification by Myanmar
ICCPR Implementation in Kazakhstan
Human Rights Committee member visits Jamaica
Upcoming review of Swaziland in absence of report
Respect du PIDCP à Madagascar
NGO participation at the 120 Committee's session (July 2017)
Report of the 119th session of the UN Human Rights Committee
Collective voice of Human Rights Defenders from Bangladesh
Steps towards ICCPR ratification by Myanmar (Part 2)
Le Centre accompagne les ONG togolaises pour l'EPU
Implementación del PIDCP en Honduras
Myanmar: Steps towards ICCPR ratification
NGO participation at March 2017 Committee session
Overview of the 118th session of the Human Rights Committee
Long term engagement on ICCPR implementation in Jamaica
Civil society from Haiti active at the UPR
Regional conference on ICCPR implementation
Follow-up visit to Namibia
Burundi : Représailles contre les ONG
Human Rights Committee 118 Session (Oct-Nov 2016)
Overview of the Human Rights Committee (July 2016)
New NGO Guidelines
2015 Annual Report
Crack down on freedom of expression in Cambodia must end
2016 Human Rights Committee Elections
CSO of Ghana engaged with the Human Rights Committee
NGO Participation at Human Rights Committee 117 session
Namibia: NGOs ready to participate in the ICCPR review
Overview: UN Human Rights Committee 116 Session
Conditions of detention in Uzbekistan
50th anniversary of the human rights covenants
The leading role of NHRI in the ICCPR implementation
HR Ctte recommendations in Southern and Eastern Africa
Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Committee CCPR/C/3/Rev.10
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Documents adopted by the Human Rights Committee (March 2012)
English | French | Spanish | Russian | Handbook
Documents adopted by the Human Rights Committee (November 2012)
English | French | Spanish | Russian | Arabic | Chinese