ICCPR Article 14 Factsheets: Right to equality before courts and tribunals and to a fair trial
Factsheets for legal practitioners and civil society actors
The Centre for Civil and Political Rights has developed a series of factsheets with the aim of providing practical information for legal practitioners and civil society actors to monitor the implementation of the article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR article 14 protects the right of everyone to equality before the courts and tribunals and to a fair trial, especially in criminal proceedings.
There are in total 9 factsheets dealing with different aspects and elements of the ICCPR article 14 as listed below. The complete set of factsheets are also available in English and Burmese.
- Factsheet 1: General overview - English and Burmese
- Factsheet 2: General guarantee of equality before courts and tribunals (article 14 §1) - English and Burmese
- Factsheet 3: Fair and public hearing by competent, independent and impartial tribunals (article 14 §1) - English and Burmese
- Factsheet 4: Presumption of innocence (article 14 §2) - English and Burmese
- Factsheet 5: Rights of persons charged with a criminal offence (article 14 §3) - English and Burmese
- Factsheet 6: Cases of juvenile persons (article 14 §4) - English and Burmese
- Factsheet 7: Right to the review of one's conviction and sentence by a higher tribunal (article 14 §5) - English and Burmes
- Factsheet 8: Compensation for miscarriage of justice (article 14 §6) - English and Burmese
- Factsheet 9: Prohibition of double prosecution and punishment (article 14 §7) - English and Burmese
These factsheets were developed in the framework of the CCPR Centre's project funded by UK International Development.