Human Rights Committee’s 124th session
Published on 26 Jul 2018, 11:47 AM
Belarus, Belize, Bulgaria, Guinea, Sudan and St. Vincent and the Grenadines scheduled for review (8 October – 2 November 2018)
NGOs from Liberia at the 123rd session of the Human Rights Committee
The Human Rights Committee is the body of independent experts that monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by its State parties.
At its 124th session, the Human Rights Committee will review the State reports of Belarus, Belize, Bulgaria, Guinea and Sudan. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will be reviewed in absence of report.
The Committee will also adopt the List of Issues on Mauritania and Tajikistan and the List of Issues Prior to Reporting on Trinidad and Tobago. List of issues in the absence of a report will be adopted on Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal.
The 124th session of the Human Rights Committee will take place in Geneva, Palais Wilson, from 8 October to 2 November 2018.
Deadlines for NGO submissions
The Human Rights Committee welcomes written information, which should be as specific, reliable and objective as possible, from international, regional, national and local organizations. The information/report must identify the submitting NGO, as anonymous information is not accepted, and be drafted in non-abusive language. The information must be relevant to the Committee’s mandate and the examination of the State party's report. The information should not contain names of victims except if related to public cases or if the consent of the victims or their families is obtained.
The deadlines for NGO submissions are the following:
- 30 July 2018: NGO reports for List of Issues (Mauritania and Tajikistan ), List of Issues Prior to Reporting (Trinidad and Tobago) and List of Issues in the absence of State report (Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal).
- 10 September 2018: NGO reports for States parties under review (Belarus, Belize, Bulgaria, Guinea, Sudan and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines).
NGO written submissions should be sent by email to:
Gabriella Habtom
Secretary of the Human Rights Committee and
No hardcopies are required.
NGO formal briefings
NGOs who have submitted a written report to the Human Rights Committee have the opportunity to speak at the formal briefing. Only one NGO representative per report submitted is allowed to take the floor at this briefing.
The NGO formal briefings will take place at the Conference Room of Palais Wilson according to the following schedule:
Monday 8 October at 11:15: Belarus, Sudan, Guinea and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Monday 15 October at 12:15: Belize and Bulgaria
NGO informal briefings
NGO informal briefings for each State under review at this session will be organised by the CCPR-Centre in agreement with the Human Rights Committee's Secretariat. The NGO informal briefings follow the format of Q&A: Committee members will ask questions to participating NGOs.
The NGO informal briefings will take place at Palais Wilson at Room RS-181 at 14h00 according to the following schedule:
Monday 8 October: Belarus
Tuesday 9 October: Sudan
Wednesday 10 October: Guinea
Thursday 11 October: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Monday 15 October: Belize
Tuesday 16 October: Bulgaria
Guidelines for NGO participation at the Committee's reporting process
The Centre for Civil and Political Rights has released these Guidelines on the Reporting Process to the UN Human Rights Committee in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian.
These Guidelines give an overview of the reporting process and the role of the NGOs in this process.
For more information please contact us at
Ground pass and Accreditation
Representatives of non-governmental organizations wishing to attend the 124 Human Rights Committee's session MUST register online and follow the instructions for registration and for obtaining a ground pass. Deadline for registration is 28 September 2018. For registration, click here.