The UN Human Rights Committee - A Year In Review 2022
Publication of a comprehensive analysis of the Views adopted by the Human Rights Committee in 2022
The Centre for Civil and Political Rights is delighted to introduce this analysis of the 2022 findings of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.
This research has systematically been carried out since 2014 and considers the latest developments of the Committee’s jurisprudence.
During the year 2022, the Human Rights Committee held the 134th, 135th and 136th sessions. In these sessions, the Committee enlarged its jurisprudence by issuing a total of 175 individual communications (95 communications decided on merits, 21 declared inadmissible and 59 discontinued). As it was the case in previous years, the Human Rights Committee receives the greatest number of communications out of all the United Nations treaty bodies, and the backlog of submissions continues to be a major issue of concern.
This research has been carried out in collaboration with the Law Clinic of the LL.M. in International Law of the Graduate Institute of Geneva. The students prepared the related research materials and produced the articles included in this yearbook under the supervision of the Head of the Law Clinic, Prof. Yuval Shany, Junteng Zheng, and the Centre. Moreover, for the first time, the students could present their research to Human Rights Committee members during the 138th session in Palais Wilson.
I would like to thank the students who participated in the project, namely Anna Gorodetskaya, Smrithi Ramakrishnan, Giacomo Bruno, Maricon Torres Lorenzo. Coordination, research, editing, and additional summaries were carried out by Irene Aparicio, Consultant at the Centre.
The purpose of this research is to make the jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee become more visible and accessible to all individuals involved in the promotion and protection of civil and political rights. I am confident that this publication will be useful to both litigators and human rights defenders.