Steps towards ICCPR ratification by Myanmar (Part 3)
Published on 26 Jul 2017, 03:50 AM
Advanced civil society workshop on ICCPR
Group discussion at the advanced civil society workshop
As a part of on-going 2-year project to assist national efforts and enhance domestic process for the ratification of ICCPR by Myanmar, a delegation of CCPR Centre visited and organised an advanced civil society workshop together with its national partners on 13 June 2017. In the context of the capacity building and awareness raising activities on ICCPR in Myanmar, this workshop was organised with following specific purposes:
- to deepen the understanding of concrete and selected ICCPR Articles and related issues among civil society actors and practicing lawyers at local and national level;
- to analyse current domestic legal framework in comparison with ICCPR; and
- to identify possible steps forward.
"Joining ICCPR will be the start of more comprehensive and effective process of improving protection and promotion of civil and political rights at the local and national level. It opens up a variety of opportunities for State and civil society actors in Myanmar to utilise ICCPR."
- Patrick Mutzenberg, Director CCPR Centre
Participation of civil society representatives from different regions of Myanmar
The workshop was organised together with Equality Myanmar (EQMM), Democracy Reporting International, International Bar Associations Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) Myanmar and the Independent Lawyers Association of Myanmar (ILAM). More than 50 participants, among others civil society activists and lawyers dealing with issues related to civil and political rights, came from different parts of Myanmar including Irrawaddy, Loikaw, Magwe, Mandalay, Moulmein, Sagaing, Taunggyi, and Yangon.
Issues raised and intensively discussed
The issues raised and discussed in the workshop included:
- rights of LGBTI
- customary laws
- propaganda and incitement
- religiously regulated marriages
- freedom of religious conversion
- compensation in case of miscarriage of justice.
Furthermore, participants picked up ICCPR Articles 7 (prohibition of torture), 8 (prohibition of slavery), 14 (independence of judiciary, equality before courts and fair trial), 18 (freedom of religion), 19 (freedom of expression) and 23 (right to family and marriage) as topics for their group work and analysed current situation of the protection of these rights i.e. issues at stake in Myanmar.
The results and outcomes of the workshop will be integrated into a practical tool for State and civil society actors regarding ratification and implementation of ICCPR, which will be produced by CCPR Centre this year.