Myanmar: Protecting Civil and Political Rights through Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
A tool for stakeholders to raise issues related to civil and political rights with the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)
This tool attempts to identify possible intersections between the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rgiths (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and identify issues that stakeholders often raise with the HR Committee but also can be dealt with by the CESCR. It sets out common and similar provisions in both Covenants (articles 1 – 5) and compares the main elements of some of the substantial articles of the ICCPR (articles 6 – 27) and ICESCR (articles 6 – 15). It further analyses the 61 Concluding Observations adopted by the CESCR between February 2015 and March 2019 through the review of State parties over 11 sessions of the Committee (54th – 65th sessions).
As such, this tool is primarily prepared for those who are working for the protection of civil and political rights on the ground, by offering several examples of related issues that can be raised, not only with the HR Committee but also with the CESCR. On the one hand, this tool will help all stakeholders in countries that are already State parties to both ICCPR and ICESCR, to address issues at stake with both Committees. On the other hand, it will also provide new opportunities to those in countries that have already joined ICESCR, but not yet ICCPR, to raise some of their concerns related to civil and political rights with the CESCR.
It was developed and published in the framework of our multi-year project to assist efforts of national stakeholders in Myanmar in joining and implementing ICCPR, as Myanmar has recently ratified ICESCR, but not yet party to ICCPR. The tool was printed with support of the Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar and the British Embassy Yangon, and available in English and Myanmar.
"the content of the Tool and the clarity of the message it wishes to convey will be useful to all those dedicated to increasing the enjoyment of all human rights on the ground."