The Centre launches online tools to track recommendations issued by UN HR Mechanisms
A first website is dedicated to Viet Nam and will soon be followed by other countries
The Centre for Civil and Political Rights has launched a new online tool to track recommendations issued by UN Human Rights Mechanisms, including Treaty Bodies and UPR, to countries and their implementation. The tool visualises thematic issues addressed by these Mechanisms and highlight human rights challenges faced by countries. It is carried out by the Centre in order to improve the visibility and accessibility of recommendations issued by different Human Rights Mechanisms of the United Nations.
All recommendations are categorised and clustered by mechanisms and by themes, highlighting the main issues addressed by them and allowing for cross-analysis. Information can also be found on the State’s reporting obligations, including deadlines for submission. Ite identifies key human rights challenges faced by States and helps all stakeholders address them.
"Our new online tools visualise thematic issues addressed by these UN Human Rights Mechanisms and highlight human rights challenges faced by the countries."