Regional conference on ICCPR implementation
Human Rights Committee member visits Jamaica
ICCPR Implementation in Kazakhstan
Table ronde au Burkina Faso sur la mise en oeuvre du PIDCP
Implementation of HRCtte's recommendations in Ghana
Visita del CCPR-Centre a Ecuador
ICCPR implementation in an absolute monarchy
Joint consultation on UN recommendations in Jamaica
Visita del CCPR a Ecuador
Visita del CCPR a Guatemala
ICCPR Follow-up mission in Lebanon
National dialogue on ICCPR issues in Belarus
Visita de seguimiento del CCPR a Honduras
Simple Guide on ICCPR
Experta del Comité de Derechos Humanos visita El Salvador
Thailand: tool for follow-up and holistic utilisation
Myanmar: Visual Guide on NMRF
Thailand: 2nd follow-up visit with HR Committee member
Time to assess the ICCPR implementation in Kazakhstan
Myanmar: Protecting Civil and Political Rights through ESCR
PIDCP au Sénégal : Rôle clé des ONG
Web tool to track recommendations issued by UN HR Mechanisms
Viet Nam: Recommended Actions from UN HR Mechanisms
Les Parlementaires du Niger impliqués dans le suivi du PIDCP
Table ronde virtuelle sur le Passif Humanitaire
Round table in Eswatini after follow-up evaluation
Consultations avec les parlementaires de la RD Congo
Mauritania: Mission de suivi des recommendations du Comité
RDC: Indicateurs de monitoring pour le follow-up
CCPR Centre Annual Report 2022
lCCPR Follow-up World Maps
CCPR Centre's Annual Report 2023
CCPR Centre Annual Report 2023
Visita de seguimiento a Perú
ICCPR implementation through collaborative efforts
Uganda: ICCPR implementation through collaborative efforts
Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Committee CCPR/C/3/Rev.10
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Documents adopted by the Human Rights Committee (March 2012)
English | French | Spanish | Russian | Handbook
Documents adopted by the Human Rights Committee (November 2012)
English | French | Spanish | Russian | Arabic | Chinese