Overview of the 118th session of the Human Rights Committee
NGO participation at March 2017 Committee session
Collective voice of Human Rights Defenders from Bangladesh
Mise en ouvre du PIDCP au Cameroun
NGOs from Lebanon ready to participate to the Committee
A series of webinars to prepare Kenya’s fourth review
Sénégal: Plan d'action pour le suivi des recommendations
Consultations avec les parlementaires de la RD Congo
Mauritania: Mission de suivi des recommendations du Comité
Zambia: working with CSOs ahead of HR Committee review
ICCPR implementation through collaborative efforts
Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Committee CCPR/C/3/Rev.10
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Documents adopted by the Human Rights Committee (March 2012)
English | French | Spanish | Russian | Handbook
Documents adopted by the Human Rights Committee (November 2012)
English | French | Spanish | Russian | Arabic | Chinese