The UN Human Rights Committee may consider complaints (or individual communications) from individuals that claim a violation of one of the rights foreseen in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and that occurred in the territory of a State that have ratified Optional Protocol 1 to the ICCPR.
Certain requirements need to be met for the Committee to consider those complaints, among which the exhaustion of domestic remedies.
The Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR-Centre) promotes the diffusion of the Committee's case-law through the publication of the latest Committee's decisions as well as case summaries of those cases in English, French or Spanish, depending on the working language of the case. The decisions and case summaries are available at our website. The latest jurisprudence is also analysed per session in our on-line publication Human Rights Committee Case-Law Digest. This publication aims at facilitating the use of the Committee's jurisprudence by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and human rights litigators, during their litigating and advocacy activities.
The UN Human Rights Committee introduced a follow-up procedure to monitor the implementation of the Human Rights Committee decisions adopted. For this purpose, the Committee requests from the respondent State to submit a follow-up report on the measures adopted nationally to implement the decision six months after the decision is adopted.
One of the Human Rights Committee members acts as Special Rapporteur for the Follow-Up to the Individual Communications and maintains the communication with States with regard to the implementation. The Rapporteur then briefs the Committee during each session on the progress made by States with regard to the follow-up procedure. These briefings are public and can be followed live on our website.
The CCPR-Centre aims at reinforcing the follow-up procedure to the implementation of Human Rights Committee's decisions at national level. As part of this process, the CCPR-Centre contacts the human rights litigators that participated during the review of the case and submits progress reports to the Special Rapporteur. These follow-up reports can be found on our website.
In addition, the CCPR-Centre analyses the degree of implementation by respondent States in a periodic on-line publication called Implementation of Human Rights Committee's Views.
Finally, the CCPR Centre also represents victims of violations of rights protected by the ICCPR, whose countries have ratified the Covenant, and submits complaints to the UN Human Rights Committee. Contact us for additional information or if you want the CCPR-Centre to work on your claim.