Overview 112th Session – Montenegro
At the first review of Montenegro’s human rights record, there was a limited amount of NGO reports and a lack of an NGO presence at the session. This brought to light a major gap in the provision of critical, field based information and reporting in Montenegro, which is essential for the effective review of the country’s implementation of the ICCPR.
In spite of this challenge, the Committee questioned the government delegation at length on the issue of discrimination against the Roma, Ashkelia and Egyptian minority communities. Other notable concerns raised included the role of the Ombudsman, hate speech against LGBT people, the conflict between the Serbian and the Montenegrin Orthodox Churches and the legal limitations on the right to strike.
The Montenegro delegation gave positive responses on some of the issues, such as emphasising the need to enhance regional cooperation for countering human trafficking as well as increasing public awareness on the topic. Montenegro also highlighted efforts to promote integration and religious tolerance towards the Roma people. Less reassuring responses were provided on the issues of the limitations to the right to strike and on the public surveillance measures that are in place.
In its concluding remarks, the Committee praised the efforts of Montenegro to comply with international human rights standards even as a recently established State.
The Concluding Observations for which the State should provide information on the implementation within one year, concerning:
The review of Montenegro’s 1st periodic report by the Human Rights Committee took place on the 14th and 15th of October 2014. For a comprehensive overview of the discussion, see the proceedings on the OHCHR website or the webcast of the session.
The next periodic report should be submitted by the State party on 31st October 2020.