On 23 October 2014 the Special Rapporteur on follow-up to Views, Mr. Iwasawa, has presented his report on the implementation of the recommendations adopted by the Human Rights Committee in relation to individual communications.
The report is based on the information related to the individual complaints against 19 State parties (Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Mauritius, Nepal, Peru, Russian Federation, South-Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan and Zambia) which has been submitted to the Committee.
One positive development concerns the step taken by Sweden in relation to the case of M.I. (2149/2012), a Bangladeshi citizen facing return to the country of origin. Given the grant of the permanent residence in Sweden and the compliance with the other recommendations, the Committee assessed largely satisfactory (A) the State’s actions in response to that.
Some particular advances were reported with reference to Canada (3 cases including 2 fully implemented), Libya, Mauritius, Nepal (2 cases) and Ukraine.
No progress was noted in relation to several cases including from Cameroon, Canada France (2 cases), Greece (3 cases), Russian Federation (4 cases) and Uzbekistan (4 cases).
In the most of the cases, the Committee decided to continue with the follow-up dialogue. The decision of suspending the procedure was adopted with reference to cases against Greece (1799/2008) and Kyrgyzstan (1756/2008) because of the unsatisfactory implementation of the recommendations, and against Libya (1107/2002) with a note of partial satisfactory implementation of the recommendations.