Mauritanian civil society submits a UPR report
Published on 03 Aug 2020, 12:11 PM
Mauritania’s Universal Periodic Review is planned for January 2021
National consultation organised by the Centre in Nouakchott, Mauritania, in May 2019.
Mauritania was reviewed by the Human Rights Committee in July 2019. With support of the Centre, civil society submitted a joint report to the Committee, stressing their main concerns and suggesting recommendations. Several civil society representatives came to Geneva to present the report and to answer questions of the Committee members during the briefings. The Concluding Observations of the review are available here.
Cooperation in view of the UPR
The Universal Periodic Review, scheduled for January 2021, is an excellent opportunity for civil society to reiterate their priorities in the fight for a better human rights protection. That is why several organisations submitted a joint report to the UPR, focusing on existing recommendations from several Treaty Bodies: the Human Rights Committee, the Committee on the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families, the Committee Against Torture, the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, who all recently reviewed Mauritania. The report also contains a short section on the measures the Mauritanian authorities have taken to fight the spread of the coronavirus.
The full report is available here (in French).
The Centre would like to thank Coordination des Organisations des Victimes de la Répression, Cadre de Concertation des Rescapés Mauritaniens, Organisation pour le Développement International, Social, Solidaire et Intégré, Association des Femmes Cheffes de Famille, Association Mauritanienne d’Aide aux Nécessiteux, Forum des Organisations Nationales des Droits Humains en Mauritanie, Comité de Solidarité avec les Victimes de Violations des Droits de l’Homme and SOS-Esclaves for their engagement in this process.
Next steps
UPR-info is planning a pre-session, inviting panelists from civil society to inform diplomatic missions about their perspective. This pre-session will take place in the week of 8 December. The UPR itself will take place in January 2021. More details will follow soon.