Human Rights Committee - 132nd Session - June 2021

Published on 29 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM

A fourth online session with a State review of Togo

Palais Wilson in Geneva, Switzerland, the current headquarters of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Human Rights Committee is the body of independent experts that monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by its state parties. 

All States parties are obliged to submit regular reports to the Committee on how the rights are being implemented. The Committee examines each report and addresses its concerns and recommendations to the State party in the form of "concluding observations”.

The 132nd Session will be held from the 28 June 2021 - 23 July 2021, and will once again be held online. 

The Human Rights Committee will review TOGO's implementation of the ICCPR in three sessions of 2 hours, that will be public and livestreamed. 

The Committee will adopt the List of Issues Prior to Reporting of ALBANIA, CANADA, ECUADOR, FRANCE, MOZAMBIQUE, TIMOR-LESTE and TURKEY, and the List of Issues of BURUNDI.

The Committee will then adopt the Progress report of Special Rapporteur on Follow-up to the Concluding Observations of BANGLADESH, SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN and NEW ZEALAND. Furthermore, Progress reports of Special Rapporteur on Follow-up to Views will be concluded. And finally, the Committee will adopt the Annual Report to the General Assembly.

In a public session, the Committee will adopt the progress report of the Special Rapporteur on Follow-up to the Concluding Observations of Bangladesh, Liechtenstein, New Zealand and Switzerland.

It will also adopt Views to individual communications, but in closed meetings. 

The Programme of Work will be published in the coming weeks. 

All the public discussions will be webcast here.


Civil society is strongly encouraged to provide information to the Human Rights Committee. The deadline for reports for the List of Issues (Prior to Reporting) and the follow-up was:

3 May 2021. 

The deadline for reports regarding Togo's review is: 

21 June 2021. 

Submissions can be sent electronically to, and, and will be published on the Committee's website. 

Formal briefings

The formal briefing for NGOs and NHRIs ahead of Togo's review will be organised by the Secretariat of the Human Rights Committee. The timing of the briefing is to be confirmed in the programme of work, that will be published in the coming weeks. For more informationplease contact the Secretariat of the UN Human RIghts Commitee at 

Informal briefings

The CCPR Centre will organize 9 online informal briefings for civil society:

  • Togo (ahead of the review) 
  • Burundi (ahead of the adoption of the List of Issues)
  • Albania (ahead of the adoption of the List of Issues Prior to Reporting) 
  • Canada (ahead of the adoption of the LOIPR)
  • Ecuador (ahead of the adoption of the LOIPR)
  • France (ahead of the adoption of the LOIPR)
  • Mozambique (ahead of the adoption of the LOIPR)
  • Timor-Leste (ahead of the adoption of the LOIPR)
  • Turkey (ahead of the adoption of the LOIPR) 

Specific times and dates will be confirmed. 

The briefings are only open to organisations that have submitted an alternative report to the Committee. 


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Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Committee

Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Committee CCPR/C/3/Rev.10

Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

CCPR NGO Participation

Documents adopted by the Human Rights Committee (March 2012)

English | French | Spanish | Russian | Handbook

CCPR NHRI Participation

Documents adopted by the Human Rights Committee (November 2012)

English | French | Spanish | Russian | Arabic | Chinese