A Year in Review – 2016
Published on 20 Dec 2017, 12:53 PM
An Analysis of the Findings of the UN Human Rights Committee in 2016
The Human Rights Committee in session
The Centre for Civil and Political Rights is delighted to introduce this analysis of the 2016 findings of the UN Human Rights Committee. For this third edition, the research analyses the main issues emerging from the Concluding Observations and individual communications during 2016. It reflects the main concerns discussed by the Committee during the reviews of State Parties as well as the latest developments in the Committee’s jurisprudence.
"For the first time, the Yearbook includes an analysis of the findings of other Treaty Bodies. This new approach allows us to have a comprehensive overview of the Committees' interpretations on civil and political rights."
- Làzarie Eeckeloo, Researcher at the Centre for Civil and Political Rights
The project focused on summarizing and analysing the Concluding Observations and individual communications that were considered during the 116th, 117th and 118th sessions of the Committee. 21 States parties’ reports and 87 individual communications were examined in 2016.
Through the strong and mutually beneficial partnership between the Graduate Institute of Geneva, TB-Net and the CCPR-Centre, it is hoped that the work of the Human Rights Committee, and more broadly the UN Treaty Bodies, will become more visible and accessible to all individuals involved in the promotion and protection of civil and political rights.