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Eligio Cedeño v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Reference: CCPR/C/106/D/1940/2010

Decision Year: 2012.10.29

Information Source: El informe de seguimiento del Comité de Derechos Humanos (CCPR/108/3)

According to the Victim or his/her Counsel:

Committee's decision at Annual Report A/69/40 (VOL I): At its 109th session, the Committee decided to send a reminder to the State party for its observations. Follow-up dialogue ongoing. The Committee’s recommendation has not been implemented.

Related Articles:

  • Article 14.1 Article 14.2 Article 9


  • Fair hearing Presumption of innocence

Full Case:


Committee's decision at Annual Report A/69/40 (VOL I): At its 109th session, the Committee decided to send a reminder to the State party for its observations. Follow-up dialogue ongoing. The Committee’s recommendation has not been implemented.

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Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Committee

Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Committee CCPR/C/3/Rev.10

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