Submission: 2014.07.31
View Adopted: 2019.03.26
The author is a prior Ukbekistan national who was stateless at the time of the communication. She submited on her own behalf and on behalf of her daughter, Y, born in 2008 in the Netherlands.
The author fled Uzbekistan in 2000 at the age of 11 for the Netherlands. She applied for asylum however this was denied. The authors daughter was born in 2008, and the author applied for numerous social and child benefits, which were also denied after a period of administrative issues. In 2009, the author recieved notifiation that she had not registered with the Uzbek Embassy within 5 years of leaving the country and therefore lost her Uzbek citizenship.
The author submitted that by denying her application for a child budget, the state party has violated her rights under articles 23 (1), 24 (3), and 26, read in conjunction with articles 23 (1) and 24 (1) of the Covenant; as well as Y’s rights under article 24 (1) of the Covenant.
The Committee was not able to verify a formal declaration that the authors were stateless, and further that the author had not appeared to raise this claim with domestic authorities. On this basis, the Committee found they were precluded from examining her claim under article 24(3) of the Covenant.
The Committee considered that the State party had not specified the kinds of special circumstances that allow individuals without residence permit to receive the child budget, taking into account that the author’s other applications for various types of subsistence-related benefits were denied.
The Committee further recalled that under article 24, every child has the right to special measures of protection due to her or his status as a minor, and further that in all decisions affecting a child, their best interests shall be a primary consideration and form an integral part of the protection afforded by article 24. The Committee noted that in this regardl states have a positive obligation to protect children from physical and psychological harm, which may include guaranteeing minimum subsistence in order to comply with the requirements under this article.
The Committee further considered that under article 24 (1) of the Covenant, the State party had a positive obligation to ensure that Y’s physical and psychological well-being was protected, including through guarantee of subsistence under circumstances where her mother had no access to work or other income. Accordingly, the Committee concluded that the facts before it disclosed a violation of Y’s rights under article 24 (1) of the Covenant.
Pursuant to article 2(3) (a) of the Covenant, the State party is under an obligation to provide the authors with an effective remedy, including making full reparation to individuals whose Covenant rights have been violated. Accordingly, the State party is obligated to:
The Committee requested that the state party provide an update outlining measures taken to give effect to the Committee's views within 180 days, or prior to 26 September 2019.