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Rizvanovic v. Bosnia and Herzegovina

Reference: CCPR/C/110/D/1997/2010

Decision Year: 2014.03.21

According to the Victim or his/her Counsel:

Committee's assessment 115th (CCPR/C/115/3):

  • (a) Continuing its efforts to establish the fate or whereabouts of the authors’ relative: B1
  • (b) Continuing its efforts to bring to justice those responsible by the end of 2015: B1
  • (c) Abolishing the obligation for family members to declare their missing relatives dead to benefit from social allowances: B1
  • (d) Ensuring adequate compensation: C1
  • (e) Publication of the Views: A
  • (f) Non repetition: C1

Committee’s decision: Follow-up dialogue ongoing.


Committee's assessment 113rd (CCPR/C/113/3):

  • (a) Continuing efforts to establish the fate or whereabouts of the author’s relative: B1
  • (b) Continuing efforts to bring those responsible to justice by the end of 2015: B1
  • (c) Abolishing the obligation for family members to declare their missing relatives dead in order to be able to benefit from social allowances: B1
  • (d) Ensuring adequate compensation: C1
  • (e) Publication of the Views: A
  • (f) Non-repetition: C1

Committee’s decision: Follow-up dialogue ongoing.

Related Articles:

  • Article 10 Article 16 Article 6 Article 9


  • Effective remedy Enforced disappearance Liberty and security of person Right to life Torture / ill-treatment

Case Summary: link Click Here

Full Case:


Committee's assessment 115th (CCPR/C/115/3):

  • (a) Continuing its efforts to establish the fate or whereabouts of the authors’ relative: B1
  • (b) Continuing its efforts to bring to justice those responsible by the end of 2015: B1
  • (c) Abolishing the obligation for family members to declare their missing relatives dead to benefit from social allowances: B1
  • (d) Ensuring adequate compensation: C1
  • (e) Publication of the Views: A
  • (f) Non repetition: C1

Committee’s decision: Follow-up dialogue ongoing.


Committee's assessment 113rd (CCPR/C/113/3):

  • (a) Continuing efforts to establish the fate or whereabouts of the author’s relative: B1
  • (b) Continuing efforts to bring those responsible to justice by the end of 2015: B1
  • (c) Abolishing the obligation for family members to declare their missing relatives dead in order to be able to benefit from social allowances: B1
  • (d) Ensuring adequate compensation: C1
  • (e) Publication of the Views: A
  • (f) Non-repetition: C1

Committee’s decision: Follow-up dialogue ongoing.

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Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Committee

Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Committee CCPR/C/3/Rev.10

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CCPR NGO Participation

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