7 - 31 March 2016, Geneva
To confirm attendance at the NGO formal and/or informal briefings with Committee members, please send an email to info@ccprcentre.org. The deadline for confirmation is 19 February 2016. Only NGOs who have confirmed their attendance within the deadline and provided reports to the Committee will be allowed to take the floor.
At its 116th session, the Human Rights Committee will review the implementation of the ICCPR in:
More information on how NGOs can participate in the reporting process can be found here. Along with this, a complete overview of the programme of work for the 116th session can be found here.
The live webcasting of the 116th session as well as the detailed schedule can be accessed here.
NGO information on these States should be submitted electronically and in hard copy by 12 February 2016. The reports should be sent by e-mail to the Committee Secretary, Kate Fox (kfox@ohchr.org) and copied to Sindu Thodiyil (sthodiyil@ohchr.org). 7 hard copies should be sent to the address below:
Human Rights Committee Secretariat
8-14 Avenue de la Paix
CH 1211 Geneva 10
Attention: Kate Fox/Sindu Thodiyil
During the 116th session the Committee will adopt Lists of Issues on:
And the List of Issues Prior to Reporting on:
NGO information on these States should be submitted electronically by 18 December 2015. The reports should be sent by e-mail to the Committee Secretary, Kate Fox (kfox@ohchr.org) and copied to Sindu Thodiyil (sthodiyil@ohchr.org). 7 hardcopies should then follow, sent to the address below:
Human Rights Committee Secretariat
8-14 Avenue de la Paix
CH 1211 Geneva 10
Attention: Kate Fox/Sindu Thodiyil
The following State parties are scheduled to be considered under the follow-up procedure to the concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee, during the 116 th Session:
*Changes in schedule may occur without notice.
For assistance with drafting or submitting reports contact the Centre for Civil and Political Rights.
For more information about the work of the Human Rights Committee see the OHCHR page on the 116th session.